Blog Posts

By John C. Fales

As graduation is often a fresh start into a new era of your life, it is also a critical time to establish a strong financial foundation for your future. The financial decisions you make during this time can have a huge impact on your life for many years to come.

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Research suggests that 70% of married millennial couples argue about financial decisions more than any other topic. This could explain why some experts say financial problems are one of the top reasons marriages fail.

Fortunately, when couples work together to address their finances, they may be able to mitigate many of the problems money may cause in a marriage.

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By Marc C. Shaffer

It’s been a busy few months at my office. Three partners, including myself, were married within a four week time span! That means there was a lot of discussion about the best financial advice for engaged couples and newlyweds.

I would hope by the time you’re a newlywed, you have already had the intimate discussions that help you discover who your partner is, what they desire, and understand where your similarities and differences lie. While conversations leading up to a marriage are more philosophical in nature, after the wedding you have to add some action to the ideas. Philosophy + Action keeps marriage and life on track.

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By Marc C. Shaffer

Atop many lists that rate entrepreneurial growth, you’ll find our great home of Kansas City.

Many of our young trailblazers are building companies that serve both our local community and nations beyond, but starting a company and having it survive takes more than just a great idea. I spoke with several local entrepreneurs, who started their businesses young, to find out how they navigated the financial aspect of building their business, both personally and for their company.

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Are you or one of your children typing the knot soon? For any couple heading to the altar, financial matters can emerge as a major challenge. As much as you may love each other, there’s no guarantee you’ll be on the same page about money. In fact, it’s not unusual for a “spender” and a “saver” to join together in holy matrimony, only to find out they’re at odds over finances once the honeymoon is over.

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