Blog Posts

Tax season is upon us, the time when we reconcile our dues with Uncle Sam. However, it's also a period when some unscrupulous individuals exploit this necessity, conducting scams to defraud unsuspecting taxpayers.

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Many people like rental income because it seems passive and simple, until it isn’t so passive … or simple! Using this checklist, you may better understand the challenges and nuances that exist with owning a rental property. Whether it’s landlord responsibilities and managing risk, or investment and tax/estate concerns, there's a lot to consider. This checklist covers some key issues you must consider when owning a rental property, such as:

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For many, the prospect of turning their property into a source of rental income is very exciting. However, that excitement can turn to confusion when it comes to taxes. This flowchart can help you have a better understanding of how taxes play a role in renting out your property.

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According to recent statistics, data breaches have become common in today's digital world. In fact, it is estimated that more than 111.7 million Americans have their personal information exposed to data breaches every year. Whether it's a major retailer, a subscription service, or another online platform, the risk of a data breach is a reality that we all face.

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The start of the year is a great time for a financial check-up. In addition to reflecting on the prior year, you may be particularly motivated in January to make financial resolutions for the future. Let’s review your circumstances and goals and look for impactful improvements.

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